December 27, 2012

80079699594834465_1ovhtTQm_cDear eldest,

It is two days after Christmas. I left for work this morning with one of you up and playing, and one still in bed asleep – and not the ones I thought it would be! It seems so small, but I do enjoy the chance to chat with you in the mornings, either days like today or the drive to school. We don’t have enough time just the two of us.

I’m so proud of how you handled Christmas this year. I know this year was smaller than past years, but there was no complaining or whining about presents not recieved. I wish we could give you and your sister everything you both could want, but that just isn’t possible. And also, I hope one day you will be able to appreciate that we don’t go into debt for Christmas every year and make things harder on the family in the long run.

I loved hearing you talk about what Christmas really means, and arguing with television shows that it’s not about presents and things. You are growing up so quickly, but I’m so happy with the young woman you are becoming.

I love you always,


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